Emma is walking now. Unsteadily, but walking nonetheless. And quickly crawling, and climbing, and disappearing, and…. you get the idea. She also is developing an attitude… but that’s a different story. Anyway, these drastic changes at home have led tomore

I’ve said it before; Deb is better than I am in the child management department. So I struggle. And whenever I struggle in anything – especially child management – I immediately have to come up with a solution to themore

Most of the time Luke and Jordan are not inclined to show each other love – at least not verbally, or in the form of affection. Unless hitting and teasing qualify. So the other night, I was just surprised (andmore

During the months leading up to Luke’s birth, my mind was cluttered (more than usual) with thoughts and speculations of how this whole “dad” thing might go. I have had the opportunity to observe friends of mine in this uniquemore

While on our first ever mega-mile full-family vacation with all three kids we went to church in Kearney, Nebraska. While in church – with the kids being moderately well behaved and quiet – I was struck with the thought, “Maybemore

There is absolutely nothing funny about a Cesarean Section. Sure, it’s a funny enough word, but the actual experience is not something to joke about. To be honest, if it were not for Luke’s birth, the entire experience would havemore

On the Thursday night before the storm, I was working on a GPNFH article on the impending countdown to the birth of our third child. Little did I realize baby had a surprise in mind for us. Here’s the storymore

Starting in September 2003, life-changing events have been falling over and over again in the Schroeder home. Not all events have been fully disclosed for a variety of reasons, and it was not until the November 2003 SDJ that anymore

Those of you who know that we are expecting child number 5 probably also know that we need a new vehicle to provide enough seating for us all. Since it is illegal for any of our disruptive-in-the-car children to ridemore

Emma has been forced into patient observer with two older, savvy brothers, and a younger table-climbing toddler behind her. With Luke in baseball and swimming lessons, Jordan in soccer and trouble, and me and Luke in the musical, Emma mustmore

For several years our family has taken this approach to everything from trips to Cottonwood to multi-day, multi-family and friend visiting tours to family vacations. Always, upon leaving the driveway, the car horn is honked three times as a preludemore

Flash back to the Summer of 2010. I was finishing up my last residency period for my Master’s Degree in Pastoral Administration. Wrapping up this degree meant new opportunities – perhaps working toward a dream Deborah, and I had tomore